Is Copper to Blame for Fish Declines in San Francisco Bay?

San Francisco Bay

Residents of the San Francisco Bay region have long suspected that its waters might be contaminated with copper, particularly when the native fish populations in the north bay began declining two decades ago. Dr. Kristen Buck, Assistant Scientist at BIOS, studies the water in the San Francisco Bay delta. Her results, although preliminary, just might surprise you

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First Publication from SCOR Working Group, Chaired by BIOS Faculty

Kristen Buck

The June 2012 issue of Eos featured the first report of the newly formed Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group (WG) 139. The group, chaired by BIOS scientist Dr. Kristen Buck, represents a unique interdisciplinary collaboration of trace metal biogeochemists, organic geochemists, and biogeochemical modelers

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Scientists Convene at BIOS for Time-Series Workshop


From November 28-30, 2012 BIOS will host the international ocean time-series workshop, Moving Toward Global Interoperability in a Changing Ocean: An International Time-Series Methods Workshop. The workshop is jointly convened by the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) and the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program and aims to develop more consistent and transparent time-series methodologies

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