
Our research spans the branches of oceanography—biological, chemical, physical, and geological—and includes work in the related disciplines of environmental science, resource monitoring and conservation, atmospheric science, and risk prediction.

ENCORE – A Step on the Path Toward More Resilient Corals

Brett Jameson takes samples

Study examines the role of microbes in the nitrogen cycle of the world’s oceans.

Understanding the Ocean’s Carbon Cycle

New study reveals regular patterns in microbial activity in the Sargasso Sea

BIOS’s Marine MacGyver

Marine technician Lydia Sgouros wins award for creative problem solving at sea

Going to Great Depths

Research collaboration explores Bermuda’s deep-sea fish biodiversity

Sustained Observations

We host some of the longest-running oceanic and atmospheric measurement programs in the world, facilitating research on both local and global environmental issues.


Sustained Ocean Observations


Sustained Atmospheric Observations

Oceans & Climate

The ocean is a dominant player in Earth’s climate system, moving and storing energy, carbon, and water in ways that have strongly affected Earth’s climate history and will continue to affect our future climate.


Ocean Currents



Ocean Life

The ocean is the largest and most diverse habitat on Earth, home to an astonishing diversity of microorganisms and aquatic plants and animals. Ocean life plays a key role in our planet’s climate and provides half of the oxygen on Earth needed for all life.


Microbes & Plankton


Coral Reefs, Seagrass and Fishes

Science & Society

Science can help inform decisions regarding how societies plan and manage economies and social systems, providing unbiased data and analyses that can be used to protect and improve lives and livelihoods. Beyond the here-and-now, the ocean may also yield fundamental insights into human life itself.


Human Life & Health


Natural Hazards & Risk Prediction