Atlantis Mobile Laboratory Returns To BIOS

Atlantis Mobile Laboratory

Source: Bernews
Designed to bring mobile expertise and laboratory facilities to locations around the world, Atlantis consists of six modules that house scientific laboratories, facilities and research support tools

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Research Amplifies Coral Worries

Oil spill

Source: The Royal Gazette
Dispersants help clean up oil spills, but are they hazardous to marine life? BIOS Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley explains how oil and chemical dispersant impact coral larvae in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting

With more than 4,000 scientists, managers and educators from around the globe in attendance, 11 BIOS scientists participated in the 2012 Ocean Sciences meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah as either the leads or co-authors of 10 talks and 13 posters

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Trophic BATS Cruise

Follow Doug Bell, Research Technician, Phytoplankton Ecology Lab and colleagues from the University of South Carolina, Dauphin Island Sea Lab and Arizona State University, on a 10 – day research cruise aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer

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