MARINE ROV Challenge Application Form

  • Please submit your application by October 31 for your team to be eligible to compete. Contestants will be entered as forms are received until the Challenge limit of 22 teams is reached. P5 and P6 teachers are encouraged to apply; teams will be admitted based on availability.
  • Registration and Intent to Compete

  • Please indicate team level and number of teams you would like to enter

  • 2 BIOS Beginner teams may be entered per school (maximum of 6 students per team).
  • 1 MATE Scout team may be entered per school (maximum of 6 students per team).
  • 1 MATE Navigator team may be entered per school (maximum of 6 students per team).
    We encourage schools to recycle as much of their ROV kits as possible from previous years. Please note that floatation and PVC will only be provided for Beginner teams.
  • MARINE lead donor support is generously provided by RenaissanceRe, and additional support is provided by BAC Group of Companies and others.