Fall Semester Fees

BIOS Fall Semester Program fees include all accommodation, meals, and tuition charges for the semester. BIOS provides a full meal service in a cafeteria with both indoor and alfresco seating. Rooms are generally twins with en-suite bathrooms. All lab fees and field trip costs are included in the course fees. Scuba activities are also included but students need to supply their own scuba equipment, with the exception of air cylinders and dive weights, which are provided.

Airfare, transfers and personal expenses are not included in any assessed fees.

Please note: BIOS does not provide medical or travel insurance. All students are required to obtain an overseas medical insurance policy and ensure that they have adequate medical coverage for their stay in Bermuda.

Students at URI, RWU and Dalhousie:

If enrolled at RWU, please contact Kevin Hayden (Director of Study Abroad Programs; Khayden@rwu.edu) for program fees and payment schedule. If enrolled at URI, please contact URI’s Office of International Education & National Student Exchange for program fees and payment schedule. If enrolled at Dalhousie, please contact Prof. Leanne Stevens, Associate Dean Academic (Acting), Faculty of Science (ADAScience@dal.ca) for program fees and payment schedule.

Other Students:

Other students can enroll directly through BIOS and should email bios.education@bios.asu.edu for details of current program fees. BIOS does not grant academic credit and students should contact their Academic Advisor or Study Abroad office to arrange academic credit for the BIOS Fall Semester.

Program Contact

Dr. Andrew Peters
Director of Education for University Programs & Associate Scientist

Tel: 441-297-1880 x240


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BIOS Fall Semester Program in Marine Biology