Since the late 1970s, the container vessel Oleander has transported all manner of goods to Bermuda while also serving as a “volunteer observing ship” that collects oceanographic data while in transit. The Oleander’s weekly travel between Bermuda and New Jersey provides an invaluable opportunity to obtain data for scientific research purposes from ecologically and climatically important regions of the western North Atlantic Ocean.

The Oleander Project
Packing science into a shipping vessel
Explore research findings

Velocity data
Access the high-resolution acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data

XBT data
View and access XBT profiles from 1977 to the present

TSG data
View and access underway surface Thermosalinograph (TSG) data

Research highlights
A retrospective article about the Oleander Program was featured in Oceanography in September 2019
The Oleander Project
The Oleander Project is a scientific collaboration between Neptune Group LLC (formerly Bermuda Container Line), BIOS, NOAA/AOML, Stony Brook University, the University of Hawaii, the University of Rhode Island, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.