Committed to Science

November 11, 2020
BIOS intern Jonathan Teague conducts fieldwork testing out his underwater hyperspectral imaging system on Hog Reef in 2019 as part of his internship funded by the U.K. Associates of BIOS. Teague worked with mentor Eric Hochberg, BIOS senior scientist and reef systems ecologist, on a project to develop the technology used in reef surveys. Photo by Eric Hochberg.

Among the many lessons we’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is the value of having a highly skilled scientific workforce that is capable of leveraging its education to serve the broader community. Throughout the pandemic BIOS continued its long-standing research programs with new procedures in place and offered a record number of summer internships to on-island students, thus ensuring our continued commitment to science and science education.

Adhering to U.S. and Bermuda government guidelines, scientific research at BIOS proceeded in a reduced capacity throughout the early months of the pandemic. Data was compiled and analyzed, papers written and reviewed, proposals submitted, and grants awarded. The Atlantic Explorer, BIOS’s research vessel, utilized the down-time to undergo annual maintenance and repairs. Once operations were reinstated under new protocols in July, a full return to scientific research resumed both in the labs and at sea.

BIOS’s local education programming, Ocean Academy, revised its schedule and under approved government restrictions, facilitated a total of 21 summer internships for Bermudian students interested in the sciences. Ocean Academy also collaborated with on-island partners to present virtual learning sessions to home-bound school children and educators. BIOS’s University Program offered a university-level remote-learning internship and recruited international students to participate in selected fall research experiences.

With the support of like-minded friends and partners, BIOS continues to progress scientific research while training the next generation of scientists. Through this commitment to science BIOS contributes to the dialogue on challenges facing our island home and global community. Please join us by supporting our Annual Fund and commit to science for today’s, and future, generations.

With gratitude,




William B. Curry
President & CEO 

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