Ocean Acidification in the Open Ocean
Ann Tarrant (WHOI) Gareth Lawson (WHOI) Peter Wiebe (WHOI) Andone Lavery (WHOI) Zhaohui 'Aleck' Wang (WHOI)
This collaboration joins bioacoustics experts, carbonate chemists and molecular biologists, to determine how carbon dioxide (CO2) affects the physiology and distribution of pteropods in the NW Atlantic and NE Pacific Oceans. This project relies on the natural differences between the hydrography of the NW Atlantic and NE Pacific Oceans to provide a natural experiment investigating whether masses of hypercapnic (high CO2) water act as barriers to thecosome pteropod diel migration. My particular focus is assessing whether various Pacific and Atlantic species and sub-species of pteropods have different metabolic responses to CO2 and O2 separately, and additively (Maas et al, in revision). I am also working on a new project to explore how natural seasonal changes in CO2 in the Gulf of Maine predisposes the local species, Limacina retroversa, to laboratory exposure to three levels of CO2.
Project Contact
Dr. Amy Maas
Associate Scientist
Assistant Professor
School of Ocean Futures, Arizona State University
Tel: 441-297-1880 x131