Visiting Group Lecture Topics
BIOS is excited to share what is going on in ocean research with our visiting groups this year. Most lectures are 45-60 minutes long, with time for questions. Below is a list of lectures that can be coordinated for groups visiting BIOS:
- Reef Fish Identification — Education Team
- Coral Identification and Lab (1.5 hours) —Education Team
- Introduction to an Oceanic Island — Education Team
- Introduction to the Environment of Bermuda — Dr. Andrew Peters
- Underwater Robotic Gliders to Explore Ocean Processes — Jonny Chapman
- Remote Sensing: Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory (CORAL) — Dr. Eric Hochberg
- Introduction to Plankton — Dr. Amy Maas
- Plankton and Climate Change — Dr. Amy Maas
- Ocean Acidification and Its Affects Within Marine Systems — Dr. Amy Maas
- Microbial Oceanography — Rachel Parsons
- Devil's Hole: A Coastal Oxygen Minimum Zone — Rachel Parsons

Program Contact
Kaitlin Noyes
Director of Education and Community Engagement
Tel: 441-297-1880 x238