Cawthorn Cambridge Internship at BIOS
BIOS and the University of Cambridge are pleased to offer an annual research internship based at BIOS. The internship is available to Cambridge University students in the Department of Earth Sciences in even-numbered years and in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in odd-numbered years.
The Cawthorn Cambridge Internship at BIOS covers all expenses associated with a 12-week internship at BIOS, including accommodation, meals and travel to Bermuda, plus a $2,400 stipend. Travel/medical insurance is the responsibility of the student.
At the conclusion of their internship, successful candidates will give an oral presentation outlining their research topic, experimental methods and results. In addition, they are required to provide a written project report.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics: Part IB, Part II and Part III students may apply for this internship.
Department of Earth Sciences: Part II students, including those who are intending to do a Part III project the following year, are encouraged to apply for this internship.
How to Apply
Each year in January, BIOS scientists interested in mentoring the Cawthorn Cambridge Intern at BIOS submit descriptions of potential intern projects which are submitted to Cambridge. Students at Cambridge are made aware of the potential projects, and provided with application requirements and information on the internship, through members of the Departments.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics: Applications consist of a CV, a reference (preferably from the College Director of Studies) and a single page statement of motivation, stating which of the proposed projects are of interest. Applications must be submitted to Professor Colm-cille Caulfield in early March.
Department of Earth Sciences: Applications should consist of a CV, a reference (preferably from a College Director of Studies or university teaching officer) and a single page statement of motivation, stating which of the proposed projects are of interest and why. Students can align this internship with their final year research project or not; if the former, please describe how the intended project might be developed into a final year (Part III) research dissertation in your statement of motivation. Applications, preferably electronic copies, must be submitted to Dr. Luke Skinner.
All submitted applications are reviewed by the relevant departmental representative. A short list is interviewed and the candidates’ application materials are forwarded to the University Programs Department at BIOS. BIOS scientists, who submitted an intern project which has been selected by a Cambridge student, review the applications and send comments to Cambridge, where the final decision is made.
The successful candidate will be notified later in March and briefed regarding travel arrangements. The Internship at BIOS typically begins at the end of June but start-dates and end-dates may be flexible.
University of Cambridge students are eligible to attend summer courses and apply for internships supported by the U.K. Associates of BIOS.
For more information, students in the Department of Earth Sciences can contact Dr. Luke Skinner. Students in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics can contact Professor Colm-cille Caulfield for information.
For more information from BIOS, on the Cawthorn Cambridge Internship at BIOS, please contact Dr. Andrew Peters, Director of University Programs and Associate Scientist.
Program Contact
Dr. Andrew Peters
Director of Education for University Programs & Associate Scientist
Tel: 441-297-1880 x240
Audrey Pope
University Programs Internship Coordinator, Communications and Data Manager
Tel: 441-297-1880 x115