Since 1976, BIOS has been providing crucial hands-on experience in ocean science research to college-age students through the Bermuda Program, the capstone in the suite of Ocean Academy programs at the Institute. Originally conceived as a way to introduce students in Bermuda to the possibility of careers in ocean science, the program has held true to its roots over the years, offering participants insight into fieldwork, laboratory procedures, and what it’s like to work at an active research station.
Getting a Leg up in the Field
September 27, 2019
For many jobs in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, hands-on experience in research is a valuable asset, if not a requirement. This presents a unique challenge to undergraduate students who often lack the time, networking resources, and track record to obtain even entry-level positions that would provide such experience. Since 1987 the National Science Foundation (NSF) has been supporting thousands of undergraduate researchers each year through its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.