Galbraith/Wardman Fellowship
In 1994, philanthropists John and Rosemary Galbraith started an endowment for a fellowship to support one student from Eckerd College each year as a summer research intern at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS). In 2014, to recognize the support of the late George Wardman, an Eckerd College donor who for many years sat on the BIOS Board of Directors, the fellowship was re-named the Galbraith/Wardman Fellowship. The Galbraith/Wardman Fellowship covers all expenses associated with a 10-week internship at BIOS, including travel to Bermuda and a $2,000 stipend.
At the conclusion of their internship, successful candidates will give an oral presentation outlining their research topic, experimental methods and results. In addition, they are required to provide a written project report.
How to apply
Rising juniors and seniors, currently enrolled at Eckerd College, are eligible and students of all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Prior to submitting an application, prospective interns are urged to contact BIOS mentors directly to discuss projects. Students who meet the eligibility requirements are asked to select up to three of the available projects in order of preference.
Applicants should email a one-half page statement of research interests, unofficial transcripts, one letter of recommendation from a faculty member (other than Brooks, Krediet, Siuda or Szelistowski), a list of up to three projects that you would like to work on (from the list of potential projects) and an up-to-date CV to Professor Siuda on or before March 31. Applications from well-qualified Eckerd students will be forwarded to BIOS where final selection will depend, in part, on matching the research interests of the intern with those of BIOS Faculty members. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in April. This fellowship is open to Eckerd students only but its existence does not exclude Eckerd students from consideration for other BIOS internship programs.
Questions related to the application process at Eckerd College should be directed to Professor Siuda. If you have any queries pertaining to BIOS, please contact us via bios.education@bios.asu.edu.
Program Contact
Dr. Andrew Peters
Director of Education for University Programs & Associate Scientist
Tel: 441-297-1880 x240
Audrey Pope
University Programs Internship Coordinator, Communications and Data Manager
Tel: 441-297-1880 x115