Curriculum Enrichment Program
The Curriculum Enrichment Program strives to enhance local STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) development by focusing on supporting local teachers that would like to bring BIOS's cutting edge science and immersive experiences to their students. For public schools all lessons are aligned to the Cambridge international curriculum to ensure that there is synergy with course content taught in the Bermuda public school system, and for private schools our offerings are adapted to ensure lessons are in alignment with individual school curricular standards. Additionally, staff of the Curriculum Enrichment Program arrange and host work shadow placements and serve as judges at science fairs throughout the academic year.
Are you a teacher interested in the experiences that BIOS could offer your class? Please contact OceanAcademy@bios.asu.edu if you have a question or complete this form to book one of the following experiences:
- Plankton | Ocean Food Chains (P3, P4, P6 & M1)
- The Water Cycle | States of Matter (P4, P5 & M1)
- Identification Keys (M1)
- Molecular Biology | Fishing for Fingerprints (M3)
- Corals | Characteristics and Classifications (P3 & M1)
- Career Pathways
Please see descriptions of Curriculum Enrichment Program offerings here.
Ocean Academy believes in building and maintaining collaborations with other local organizations centered on delivering hands-on science experiences that plunge students into learning. Our relationships improve our ability to promote personal growth, academic achievement and stewardship of the ocean environment among Bermuda's youth.
Program Contact
Ocean Academy
General Information
Tel: 441-297-1880
Claire Fox
Science Education Officer
Tel: 441-297-1880 x245