This July BIOS will again host the Groundswell Lionfish Tournament, a festival and fishing competition designed to spread awareness about this aquatic nuisance species. Mark your calendar and bring a fork! It’s time to Eat ‘Em to Beat ‘Em.
Students Experience Bermuda from Shore to Sea
May 19, 2015
There’s no denying that a lionfish, beautifully striped yet as pesky as a rat, is intriguing to see up close. For a group of 12- and 13-year old Bermudians, who dissected and even tasted the fish during a Spirit of Bermuda voyage, it was a highlight of their four-day journey.
An Environmental Engineering Challenge, with a Twist
March 29, 2019
How could a group of 15 students from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds—and separated by hundreds of miles— work together to address a real-world ecological issue? That’s what a team of educators is set to find out with new funding from the National Geographic Society.
By Diving Deep, A BIOS Scientist Exposes Lionfish Invasion
January 29, 2015
Dr. Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley has been studying the legendary corals around Bermuda for more than a decade. As she dove to collect small coral samples for genetics studies during her doctoral research, she saw not only the island’s underwater beauty, but also the explosive growth of a foreign invader on the reefs — the lionfish.