Project Information

Since its arrival at BIOS, R/V Atlantic Explorer has supported research projects in a variety of scientific disciplines, with resident faculty and visiting scientists from ocean science institutions around the world. In the coming years, R/V Atlantic Explorer will continue to serve as a platform for oceanographic and atmospheric research, enabling scientists to gain insight into issues of both regional and global importance.

Current and Past Projects

Institutional Partners

Ship Ops Contact

Captain Murray Stein
Marine Superintendent
Tel: 441-297-1880 Ext 205
(U.S. Phone) 646-547-1788 x205


Captain Rick Verlini
Port Captain
(U.S. Phone) 646-547-1788 x130


Deborah Moran
Marine Operations Coordinator
Tel: 441-297-1880 ext 233
(U.S. Phone) 646-547-1788 x233

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