BIOS-SCOPE Shared Lab & Office Spaces

Laboratory and Office Space

The Oceanic Microbial Observatory has laboratory space on the second floor, room N207, of the Naess building at BIOS. Access to this building requires a security swipe card, which can be arranged for in advance by contacting Michael Lee. The lab features a heating incubator, a live fridge, two electrophoresis gel boxes with one power supply, two water baths, a hybridization oven, a vacuum pump, a heated stir plate, a heat block, two vortexes, a Qubit fluorometer, three sets of pipettes, as well as chemicals and supplies. There are also two desk spaces available. BIOS-SCOPE visiting researchers should contact Rachel Parsons with any particular needs that are not covered here.

Office space is located in the N206. There are three available desk spaces; if additional desk space is needed, please let Racehl know. This room also includes an Image Analysis Station with Image Pro Plus 7.0, as well as a small VWR incubator and numerous bottles (500ml-2L, glass and PC) and carboys of various sizes (4L, 10L, 20L, 50L, and 200L PC PP). There is also tubing and a tangential flow filtration system with peristatic pump and more supplies.

Microscopy and Image Analysis Facility

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Facility at BIOS is housed in Naess 219 and includes an Olympus Ax-70 Provis upright epifluorescent microscope with a Retina Exi digital camera and Image Pro Plus v7.0 software. Also in N219 are an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer and Molecular Devices Softmax Pro5 fluorescence plate reader. When not at sea, this facility also houses two Large transfer systems (WTS-LV04-142) from McLane Research Laboratories.

BIOS-SCOPE collaborator Leocadio Blanco-Bercial now houses the high-speed Sorvall EvolutionRC preparative centrifuge in his laboratory in N204. He is also in charge of the Flow Cytometer and Molecular Multi-Users Facility (FCMMF). The FCMMF is a shared-use facility that includes a CyFlow Cube 8 Flow Cytometer for sample analysis and shared molecular analysis tools, including a NanoDrop One, a GeneAmp PCR system, and all the basic molecular lab equipment including pipettes, centrifuges, fume hood, and gel imaging systems. The facility also includes a Multiple Net Mid-Water (Tucker) trawl and large volume water transfer 4-L pump system for pelagic organismal sampling. Contact Leo for the fees associated with this facility.

The Microbial Ecology Laboratory will allow BIOS-SCOPE scientists to access equipment, including PCR hoods, MJ Research PTC-100 thermal cycler, Biometra TGradient PCR system, ABI 7300 Real-Time PCR System, and the Kodak 4000R Image Station. Bench space for BIOS-SCOPE scientists in N220 has been requested. Please let Rachel know if this is a requirement for your work. N220 also has a fume hood for filtration and DNA extractions with a four-place filtration ring with vacuum pump. There is a second five-place filtration rig for at-sea sampling. Hazardous chemicals are stored under the hood and current in-stock chemicals include HCl, formaldehyde, ethanol, isoamyl alcohol, isopropanol, phosphoric acid, chloroform, phenol, and small quantities of methanol. There is bench space available for BIOS-SCOPE scientists across from the fume hood.

Additional haz chem are kept in the dead fridge and freezer housed in the hallway outside N207 and near N219. There is also a live freezer that presently stores PCR reagents, DNA, DOC, and sugar samples.

There are two -80C freezers, a chest, and an upright in the corridor outside N206 and N207. Currently, one shelf in the upright and 1/3 of the chest are occupied; however, we can negotiate more space depending upon need.

On the ground floor of Naess is a seawater system for aquarium experiments used by other BIOS faculty. In N119 there is an upright incubator owned by Carlson, as well as additional bench space and an LB2 hood for culturing. BIOS-SCOPE investigators can access N119 if required; please let Rachel know if this is a requirement for your work.

Facility Contact

Rachel Parsons
Research Specialist, Microbial Ecology Laboratory
Tel: 441-297-1880 x726