Michael Neff is Butterfield's Group Chief Operating Officer. Previously he served as Managing Director of Bermuda and International Wealth and, prior to that, as Group Head of Wealth Management.
Mr. Neff has over 30 years of experience in financial services and has worked in wealth management, commercial banking, and financial risk management. He began his career at Chemical Bank’s Private Banking Group, rising to serve on the Group’s Executive Committee and leading relationship management across the group. Later, Mr. Neff moved to Citibank’s Private Banking Group, where he led the design and implementation of a global client relationship framework before leaving to found a financial and investment planning technology consultancy. The firm grew to be a leading provider of financial and investment planning software for financial institutions in the U.S. and Europe. It was acquired in 2004 by the RiskMetrics Group, a JPMorgan risk advisory spinoff. There he initially served as Global Head of Wealth Management rising to become Co-Head of the firm’s Global Financial Risk Management business.
Mr. Neff holds a Bachelor of Arts from Middlebury College and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School.